A passion for Japan!

Madame Mo was simply born from our passion for Japan. Since its creation more than 15 years ago, our team is nourished daily by the desire to weave an arty link between France and Japan. Very quickly, the choice to revisit the koinobori, a windsock in the shape of a Koi carp, has naturally imposed itself on us. It is indeed synonymous with joy and happiness in the family. In addition to Japan, the concern for beauty, art, and Environment guides us in all our creative steps. The koinobori is a highly singular decorative object, which, with its shimmering colors, illuminates our daily life. This object is made with respect to nature and people since it is made of organic cotton certified GOTS (organic cotton standard).

Much more than Koinobori

Madame Mo makes koinobori in organic cotton. Revisited in their traditional appearance, they magnify daily life by their cheerfulness! In Europe and America, over the years, they have become a lucky symbol that is offered for births, birthdays, anniversaries, and other festivities!

Diverted from their traditional origin for everyday use, our windsocks bring a unique decorative touch to homes.

Their calm presence evokes that of koi carp in Japanese ponds. Colored or more discreet, they confer beauty and serenity to interiors, echoing the passing of time, slowly, aesthetically, similar to the swimming of these koi carps.

A decoration that soothes and pays tribute to Japan, where the appreciation of simple things, the sensitive understanding of shapes and colors and the innate sense of natural elegance are celebrated with each passing day...

A tribute to Japanese Tradition

Japan reveres its many traditions that amaze us. By making koinobori our sole subject, we have chosen to pay tribute to one of the most joyful and popular Japanese traditions: Kodomo no hi, the children's festival.

This tradition comes from a Chinese legend which tells that every third moon of the lunar calendar, at the time of the peach blossom season, when the Yellow River began to thaw, the carp would leave the Eastern Sea, go up the upper river and gather at Longmen, the dragon's gate. There, the Celestial Emperor organized a competition for the crossing of the gate. Successful carps were turned into dragons by the Celestial Emperor and those that failed had to return to the Eastern Sea to try their luck the following year.

This legend would have inspired Japanese koinobori, windsocks in the shape of koi carps, hoisted in the wind during the children's festival on May 5th. Through this symbolic object, parents encourage their children to be strong and valiant and wish them happiness, prosperity, joy and health throughout their lives.

Art at Heart

Madame Mo also wishes to place art at the heart of its existence by offering artists an original & very meaningful medium (koinobori) as a creative playfield. Since the beginning of Madame Mo, Pascale Moteki has been at the heart of creation, little by little Madame Mo will give 'the floor' to new creators, to this day French, who have a very singular link with Japan....More to come! :)

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